San Fernando

Catching on the Fly - Rebecca W Morris and Matteo Delred

A writer and a photographer make a blog about each stop on the Cádiz Cercanias Renfe trainline

Lose the shame in San Fernando

You can be gay in San Fernando

Ring yer bell in San Fernando

Let it hang out in San Fernando

Dance in a darkroom por tangos

Clutch a lover to your heart -

It’s San Fernando!

They laugh. We laugh.

The guiri lady

White as white

- She doesn’t go to the beach

They say!

Says she is from Jerez

But they know she’s not.

- Venga!

- Cuidate!

- Hasta luego!

Blow a kiss with each word

In San Fernando. 

The poniente runs through San Fernando

I just want my moment in San Fernando

By the salt marshes

Where the fish get fat

My friend told me that

As we whooshed

By on the train

To take a paseo in Cádiz centro

A different sound to San Fernando

You have to be there to know

I am humbled to have

Been invited to your patio 

Juana Cruz Castro and

El rey de los gitanos

Carry each smacking palm

and foot tap - 

Each sound from San Fernando

Kept. Treasured. Wept.